Arch Resources, Inc

Arch Resources, Inc


Om Arch Resources, Inc

Arch Resources, Inc. engages in the production and sale of metallurgical products. It operates in two segments, Metallurgical and Thermal. The company operates active mines. It owned or controlled primarily through long-term leases of coal land in Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Kentucky, Montana, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Illinois; and smaller parcels of property in Alabama, Indiana, Washington, Arkansas, California, Utah, and Texas. The company sells its products to utility, industrial, and steel producers in the United States and internationally. Arch Resources, Inc. was incorporated in 1969 and is headquartered in Saint Louis, Missouri. Læs mere
$ 2,9B Markedsværdi (Mcap)
$ 2,9B Omsætning
Coking Coal Industri
USA Handles på børsen Hjemmeside